Bais Chana Academy is a trusted Lubavitch High School for over 50 years and was the first moisad given permission by the Rebbe to use Rebbitzen Chana's name after her histalkus. Bais Chana is committed to excellence in education and the development of self-assured young women who exemplify middos tovos and strength of character. BCA instills yiras shamayim, a love of Torah and Mitzvos and a practical understanding and appreciation for what limud hachassidus and darcei hachassidus add to everyday life.
Through a rigorous academic program of both Limudei Kodesh and Limudei Chol, as well as goal-oriented Bnos Chabad programs, BCA inspires within its students the confidence to discover and cultivate their own unique talents and to note their accomplishments with pride. The school’s focus is to foster dignified young women who will be able to assess their actions, and who will develop the sensitivity to make decisions which positively impact their growth and development in school and beyond.
Limudei Kodesh
The rigorous Limudei Kodesh curriculum is designed to imbue our students with a love for learning and a commitment to living their lives as Bnos Yisroel and Bnos Chabad. As students learn Chumash and Nach in-depth, they develop the ability to think critically and hone their skills for deeper comprehension of mefarshim. Classes in Chassidus, Hashkafa, Tanya, Maamarim, Sichos, Historia and Halacha, impart life-long lessons encouraging students to question so they can understand, internalize and apply that which is being learned.
Bnos Chabad
In addition to the strong emphasis on learning, it is the environment and spirit of Chassidus which shape our students' future. An active Bnos Chabad, working with a BCA madricha, plans shabbatons, farbrengens and meaningful school activities, with students taking on leadership roles heading the different committees. All the yamei d'pagra are marked with inspirational programs, projects, workshops and speakers. In addition, students have the opportunity to express their creativity through our annual musical production.
A BCA mechaneches is available to speak with the students to help them in their growth as individuals and their journey through high school.
In the secular studies program, students advance through a challenging 4-year sequence in English, Math, History, Science, and Hebrew language. The life skills acquired enable students to stretch their minds, broaden their horizons and gain confidence in their ability to succeed. Through different modalities of teaching, each student is able to grasp the material, as learning comes to life in the classroom. Extra-curricular classes in art, physical education, personal finance, public speaking/debate and sewing, round out the comprehensive program.
Mrs. Bluma Hecht - Principal
Mrs. Debi Bertenshaw - General Studies Coordinator
Mrs. Mirel Laufer - Bnos Advisor/Mechaneches
Rabbi Levi Schectman (Tanya)
Mrs. Hindy Kalmenson (Chumash)
Mrs. Chaya Hecht (Chassidus, Navi, Bayis Yehudi)
Mrs. Malka Schmukler (Likutei Sichos/English, Maamarim)
Mrs. Hadassa Hecht (Parsha, Hashkafa)
Rabbi Sholom Ber Stock (Halacha)
Mrs. Mirel Laufer (Likutei Sichos/Yiddish, Historia)
Mrs. Tamar Feinsod (Ivrit)
Mrs. Abbey Doiny (History, English)
Mrs. Debi Bertenshaw (Science, Personal Finance)
Mrs. Sharon Salem (Math)
Mrs. Beth Lopez (Physical Education)
Ms. Nicole Salva (Art)
Ms. Deirdre Fox (Sewing)
News @ BCA
Living at Bais Chana Academy
Please contact Mrs. Bluma Hecht at 203-795-5261 to discuss options for living at BCA.
Bais Chana Academy (9-12)
Grades 9-12 - $15,000
Dormitory Resident Fee - $7,000
Activity Fee - $700
New Family Application Fee - $75
New Family Registration Fee - $250
Annual Re-Enrollment - Early (Feb 1-Apr 15) - $250
Annual Re-Enrollment - Late (Apr 16 and after) - $400
Annual Building Fund (per family) - $750
Graduation Fee (12th Grade) - $150
Security Fee
Annual Security Fee (per family) - $360
Thank you to the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven for subsidising this project with a grant in memory of Arthur and Yvette Eder.
Building Fund Commitment
Each family is responsible for $750 for the SCHA Building Fund. If the full amount is not received by December 31, of the current school year, the remaining amount will be billed through the FACTS Tuition Management & Payment Processing System.
Registration Contract
The Application Fee of $75 is for new families applying to BCA.
The Registration Fee of $400, (non-refundable) for each student must accompany each application. *Registrations completed between February 1st and April 15th qualify for an Early Registration Fee of $250.
All pupils are accepted on the basis of a ten-month school year as defined by the Board of Admissions. No exceptions to this rule may be made.
The non-refundable registration fee and completed registration forms reserve a space for each child. Upon notice of financial commitment, a meeting will be held with the business office to sign the financial contract.
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is provided on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Business Office for information.
Click here to apply for Financial Aid.
Payment Method
Tuition payments are made through FACTS Tuition Management & Payment Processing System. You can set up your account during your registration meeting with the business office or directly at their website by clicking on their logo.